Isaiah 1: 10-20
1 Thessalonians 1: 1-10
Luke 20: 1-8
In today’s reading from Isaiah, God speaks through the prophet to condemn halfhearted religious practice, in which the practitioner performs all of the appointed actions and rituals, but remains unenlivened and unawakened by them. The two New Testament readings go further, exploring both the importance and costliness of wholehearted practice, especially when it leads beyond the deadened boundaries of what is considered acceptable by oppressive religious and secular authorities.
Our call is to live wholeheartedly, love recklessly, and realize the unity that connects all people. This is not easy in a culture addicted to rancor and distraction, but it is the only way to fully awaken and be of service to our beautiful and broken world.
Giver of all Gifts, awaken me to my life today and ignite in me full aliveness in every moment. Grant me the grace to enjoy all that I’ve been given, and the courage to offer care to all who are in pain or need. I ask this in the communion that is the Living Christ. Amen.