(click the header to view the readings)
Zechariah 2:10-13
1 John 4:7-16
John 3:31-36
Merry Christmas, dear friends!
Today we commemorate an event that occurred over two thousand years ago. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. He was raised in Nazareth in southern Galilee, which was under Roman occupation. An uneasy and problematic peace held between the imperial authorities and the Jewish leaders. Times were difficult and the people suffered oppression from both the imperial forces and the imperial tax. Messianic hopes infused Jewish society. The expectation was that the messiah would arise, expel the occupying forces, and restore the Davidic kingship.
Instead, we remember a child born amidst animals and placed in a trough for a bed. He grew up in a simple home, became a carpenter, and when he was about 30, he began an itinerant Galilean ministry far from the religious and political center of Jerusalem. He hung out with all the wrong people, challenged all of the right (and righteous) people, vigorously proclaimed a teaching of humble and loving service, prayed in nature, healed those who were infirm in body, mind, or spirit, and called a very undistinguished group of folks to follow him as his disciples. This all ended with his crucifixion by the imperial forces.
None of the conventional expectations regarding the messiah came to pass, but here we are more than two millennia later reveling in Christmas because his birth and death were the source of a new life that has shaken society for the last two thousand years.
Depending on your theological views, you may have many very precise expectations about the second coming, or you may be one of those who has an inchoate notion that there will be some further fulfillment. Or you may believe all of that is just talk and beside the point. The evangelicals certainly take all of the second coming stuff very seriously. The fantasy of a dominating rule by an invincible king persists.
But what if that second coming looks as different from our expectations as the life of Jesus did from the messianic expectations of the Jewish society into which he was born? What if his return is still the result of genuinely humble and loving service? Perhaps the apocalyptic and eschatological language in the scriptures refers to the absolute rupture and disruption that this loving humility would engender, exposing the bankruptcy of the dominating, angry, and greedy powers that rule our current age.
Zen Master Dogen tells us, “Between aspiration, practice, enlightenment, and nirvana, there is not a moment’s gap; continuous practice is the circle of the way.” There isn’t a moment’s gap between aspiration and nirvana. The mind aspiring to awaken is awake.
In Mark 1:15, Jesus tells us, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” How near? It is available right here and right now. The Kingdom is present whenever we act with kindness and care toward someone in need. The Kingdom is present whenever we speak out and act non-violently against oppression and injustice. The Kingdom is here in moments of intimacy and love with our family and friends. The Kingdom is here anytime we are lovingly present to whatever is happening in our lives, right here and right now. And each in-breaking of the Kingdom into our suffering world brings with it the return of Christ, found in our concern, justice, and intimacy that reveals his life and love in our collective communion.
Today, let’s not only remember and celebrate the birth that changed the world more than 2000 years ago. Let’s commit to doing our part to manifest the return of Christ in every eschatological moment of our lives. The Kingdom is indeed now or never. What are we waiting for?
Living Christ, you have poured upon us the new light of your limitless life. Kindle the fire of this light in our hearts so that it shines forth in our lives and brings your presence into all of the world’s joys, hopes, and fears. Amen.
Merry Christmas Clay to you and yours. Wishing you the peace which passes all understanding ❤️❤️❤️❤️