Day 3 - Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action
Living Christ Sangha - Advent Ango Practice Period
(click the header to see the readings)
Isaiah 1: 21-31
1 Thessalonians 2: 1-12
Luke 20: 9-18
Today’s readings present an image of right practice sandwiched between two depictions of wrong action. The Isaiah reading and the reading from Luke both recount the actions of people who’ve become mired in the poisons of greed, anger, and delusion. In both readings, the writer tells us that these deluded actions will yield harsh fruits that bring an end to the evil and injustices being committed. Yet both readings also say that there will be the establishment of something new after this ending. In between these two readings, Paul writes to the community at Thessalonica that he has brought pure intentions, skillful speech, and honest actions to his work of sowing the Gospel among that community.
The Christian and Buddhist traditions share a strong focus on how we think, speak, and act. In the Book of Common Prayer, the confession acknowledges our sin in “thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone.” Buddhism also addresses these three aspects of our lives, calling us to live with Right Thought, Right Speech, and Right Action.
What we think, say, and do matters. We are called to ground our thoughts, words, and actions in compassion and love. When we do this, we are participants in every moment of the eschatological in-breaking of the Kingdom of God into the world.
Source of Justice and Love, give me the will today to stop and tend to my state of mind. Give me the ability to look deeply and to think before I speak. Give me the grace to act in ways that benefits all beings. Grant these gifts for the sake of your love. Amen.